My 1sT poST - let's talk about my car

Category: , By @nGeline
Got inspired to create a blog probably due to my car.. It happened few months ago when I saw Roy's car.. It was so nicely designed, with the camouflage thingy.. it blend so well with the color of his swift... see photo

Hee.. not here to advertise his car.. let's look at mine instead.
I have searched a week for nice themes.. cartoons r the 1st thing I wan.. mus choose something which is not too fanciful, too girlish or too "man" . I happened to find this mura military pig from korean cartoon website. It was damn damn cute.. haha. I went down to the shop at sim ming drive last sat with Sharon. One of the staffs, Alec, got back to me today to go down to the shop to look at the design.. It's so fast!!

I was very very impressed with their design. Sorry 4 e poor quality.. can't make it too good, in case it is being copied by others..

will be driving my car down next sat to install the decal. Realli excited about it.

1 comment so far.

  1. Metrix August 27, 2007 at 3:33 AM
    It was so damn cool...

Something to say?