Petrol drops

By @nGeline
Sigh.. jus pumped full-tank 2 days ago.........

Yesterday, all petrol prices drop, mostly about 3-6 cents for petrol and diesel. And from Esso, there were 2 adjustions, one at 10am, another at 4pm. I heard that the some World petrol body has announced that US petrol consumption has dropped. Also the crude oil prices droped quite a few days ago.. I hope this keeps going, till the shell 95 is about $1.80 =) tis price is considered reasonable for me. Also, dun go up anymore.. =X

Above price quote from Today's newspaper...
Went to watch Dark Knight with Sharon last night... Heard that the movie was good.. Hmmm... I think it's okay la. Not a great movie, but good ending i would say. I believe most ppl will watch the next chapter since tis episode is keeping us in suspense.

And one more thing... tis movie is super long... 2h 30min i tink.. so faint...!

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